Wednesday, December 18, 2013

February Calendar Raffle information from Joe Smith

Boston Trip Fundraiser Calendars are ready.
It is time to SELL, SELL, SELL!
This is a 100% profit fundraiser that goes directly to the 8th grade class trip to Boston and $9.00 of every ticket will go towards your Boston account.

There is over $1000 worth of prizes on the calendar. The cost of each calendar is $10.00.

This is how the calendar works:

Each calendar will contain 2 tickets that will be stapled to the inside. Remove the top ticket and have the buyer put his/her name and phone number on the back. This is the ticket you will keep and turn in with the $10. The buyer keeps the calendar with the ticket still stapled to it. The tickets are good for all 28 days, even if the ticket has already won a prize.

Please keep the tickets and money together in the envelope that is provided. All calendar money and tickets are due back at the school by January 29, 2014. Please return all unsold calendars. If you need more calendars to sell they are available at the school, please contact Joe Smith at 893-3215 ext. 1239 or

We understand that fundraising is not easy especially at this time of year and in the current economic times. However, without your help this Boston trip would be impossible.

Thank you for your support and again remember this fundraiser is 100% profit toward the Boston trip

P.S. This calendar may make for a good holiday gift.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Week of 12/16--12/20
Science Update

Hello House B families!

Last week we began the first ever Milton Middle School Science Fair!  You may have already seen this announced in a letter via email or seen it here on the House B blog.  Each student received the same letter today to bring home to you.  Please remind your student that while this is a large project, the idea to do have fun investigating a question of their own choice, and to get their hands dirty with Science (and maybe literally dirty, too!).  This week we are doing background research on their topics and then writing a proposal for the experiment.  Students are NOT expected to do any work at home, but can if they choose.  Remind them that we are taking this day-by-day, and we will help support them every step of the way.

Due this Friday, 12/20: Sticky Idea on what students have learned from their background research.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Greer Krembs, Science

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

First Annual MMS Science Fair 2/12/14

December 10, 2013

Dear House B Families and Guardians, 

We are excited to be holding a Science Fair at Milton Middle School on the evening of February 12, 2014.  This event will be on the same evening as a Milton Community Dinner so you can enjoy a great meal before experiencing the impressive work our students will be showcasing.  All students in grades 6-8 will be expected to participate in the science fair. Hands-on scientific investigation and invention are the focus at our particular fair.  Over a nine week period, your child will design, test, analyze, and present a project that uses scientific methods to solve a problem. The sky’s the limit!     
             As you know, science, technology and engineering include basic skills expected by employers. As Twenty First Century citizens, our students will also have to make some of the toughest decisions of any generation, based on their understanding of emerging science and technology.  Doing science is key to understanding science.   Science fairs involve students in the practices of science and engineering, requiring them to apply those skills to a topic of interest to them.
             Time will be given to students during the school day to work on their project.  We encourage students to continue this work at home as well.  Students will be given project guidelines and time-lines at school, and teachers will check in with them periodically.  However, much of the work will be self-directed.  Families are encouraged to offer support and reminders, but to allow children to do the projects by themselves.
            We are encouraging support from the community in helping to make this experience a beneficial one for our students and for Milton Middle School.  Please call or email with any questions or potential resources.   More information will follow as the night of the Science Fair approaches.  Thank you very much in advance for your support!


Milton Middle School Science Teachers

Greer Krembs – House B
893-3215 (x1206)

Rob DeCicco – House A
893-3215 (x1243)

Nathan Caswell – House C
893-3215 (x1215)

Catherine Thibault-Cote – House C     
893-3215 (x1214)                        

Janet Smith – House D
893-3215 (x1234)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Milton Town School District
                                  42 Herrick Avenue, Milton, VT 05468-3097 (802) 893-3210 Fax: (802) 893-3213


November 6, 2013

Dear House B Families,
We are approaching the end of our first trimester of the school year, and it is already time for our first round of Student-Led Parent Conferences! Educational research tells us that children benefit greatly from having meaningful conversations about their learning with important adults in their lives. We hope that you can attend a Student-Led Parent Conference where your child will present to you a portfolio of artifacts of his or her learning – work from each class that he or she has thoughtfully selected to demonstrate learning and growth.

In addition to presenting artifacts of academic growth, your child will discuss their reflections on their successes and challenges in each academic area, and the goals they are proposing for the second trimester. These goals encompass lifelong learning skills and the Habits of Mind students are striving to achieve in our Middle School. Those habits are: flexible thinking, preparedness, citizenship, persistence, and precision.

For your convenience, we are scheduling conferences on the evening of Tuesday, November 19th and Thursday, November 21st from 4:00PM to 7:00PM. Please be aware that this is not a traditional parent-teacher conference, so every teacher may not visit you during the conference session.

We look forward to seeing you!

Karen Allard - Consulting Teacher
Greer Krembs - Science
Francine Lemnah - Math
Josh Roof - Humanities
Ellen H. Taggart - Humanities

Please complete, detach below and return to your child's advisor.


*Please indicate your FIRST AND SECOND choice for a conference time. We will get back to you to confirm the scheduled time of your conference.*

____ 4:00–4:30pm on Tuesday, November 19

____ 4:30-5:00pm on Tuesday, November 19
____ 5:00-5:30pm on Tuesday, November 19
____ 5:30-6:00pm on Tuesday, November 19
____ 6:00-6:30pm on Tuesday, November 19
____ 6:30-7:00pm on Tuesday, November 19
____ 7:00-7:30pm on Tuesday, November 19
____ 4:00–4:30pm on Thursday, November 21
____ 4:30-5:00pm on Thursday, November 21
____ 5:00-5:30pm on Thursday, November 21
____ 5:30-6:00pm on Thursday, November 21
____ 6:00-6:30pm on Thursday, November 21
____ 6:30-7:00pm on Thursday, November 21
____ 7:00-7:30pm on Thursday, November 21

Student: ______________________ Attendees: ______________________________

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Science so far this Fall

We have been busy in Science class this Fall!

We began the year with a unit on Nature of Science, in which we planted bean plants in different amounts of fertilizer to answer the question, How does the amount of fertilizer affect bean plant height?  We are still using this investigation to learn how scientists ask and answer questions.

Next, we explored how living things are sorted in a unit called Sorting Out Life.  We learned how an ecosystem is divided into biotic/living parts and abiotic/non-living parts, and we will continue to explore how these interact and influence each other.  We are currently learning about cells, the smallest living organisms, and the building blocks for all life.  We have examined our own cheek cells, aquatic plants cells, and aquatic microorganisms.

We just began a unit called Mini-Ecosystems in which we set up aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and we are exploring the complex interactions within these ecosystems.

Please feel free to contact me at any time, about anything.  The best way to reach me is by email:

Stay tuned for more...!

Ms. Krembs

Friday, September 13, 2013


Dear Families,

At the end of your student’s middle school experience, he or she will have the opportunity to participate in the 8th grade field trip to Boston. This field trip is three days and two nights and for many students it is the highlight of their middle school years. During this trip, students get to witness the culture of Boston, visit a few of Boston’s best museums, and they get to stay at Emerson College. This is a unique opportunity that every student should experience. In order to make this trip affordable for all families, we offer numerous fundraisers throughout the school year. Each student is given a field trip account. Students earn money for this account by fundraising. This money will be put towards the cost of the Boston trip and can also be used to fund other school based field trips as well. I have created these accounts so that students can earn their trip to Boston. This year the cost of the trip is $325, if your students participates in a couple of fundraisers each year, they will not have to fund raise all of the money during 8th grade.

For 8th and 7th Graders, your student will be getting a summary of their account on Monday.

Tentative list of this year’s fundraisers:

September – PTA Fundraiser – If your student participates, 50% of the profits from their orders will go towards Boston.

October – Dan’s Chocolates

November – Thanksgiving Pie Sale

November – Dan’s Holiday Cards, create your own custom cards for the holidays

December – February – Calendar Raffle

March – Spaghetti Dinner

April – Fire Truck Pull