Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Trimester 2 Student-Led Conferences

Milton Town School District
42 Herrick Avenue, Milton, VT 05468-3097
(802) 893-3210 Fax: (802) 893-3213

February 19, 2014
Dear House B Families,
It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of second trimester of the school year.  That means it’s time for the second round of Student-Led Parent Conferences!  We know that you discuss school and learning with your child on a regular basis.  We invite you and your child to participate in this opportunity to have a more formal and structured discussion about his or her successes, challenges, and growth during this trimester.
At the Student-Led Parent Conference, your child will share a portfolio of artifacts of his or her learning – work from each class that he or she has thoughtfully selected to demonstrate learning and growth.  In addition to these artifacts, your child will discuss reflections on successes and challenges in each academic area, and the goals he or she is proposing for the final trimester of the year. These goals encompass lifelong learning skills and the Habits of Mind students are striving to achieve in our Middle School: flexible thinking, preparedness, citizenship, persistence, and precision.
We are scheduling conferences on the evenings of Tuesday, March 11th and Thursday, March 13th from 4:00PM to 7:00PM in the school’s library.  While all teachers will be present during the conferences, please remember that not every teacher will be able to check in with you like in a traditional parent-teacher conference.
We look forward to seeing you at this important event!
Karen Allard - Consulting Teacher
Greer Krembs - Science
Francine Lemnah - Math
Josh Roof - Humanities
Ellen H. Taggart - Humanities

Additional members of House B who may not attend the conferences but are available via email and phone:
Paul Curtiss - Theater Arts, House B Advisor
Maria Gordon - Special Educator
Tami Koester - Speech Language Pathologist
Amy Macbeth - MMS Special Education Evaluator, House B Advisor

Please complete and detach the section below, and return to your child's advisor.
*Please indicate your FIRST and SECOND choice for a conference time. We will confirm the scheduled time of your conference.*
____ 4:00–4:30pm on Tuesday, March 11
____ 4:30-5:00pm on Tuesday, March 11
____ 5:00-5:30pm on Tuesday, March 11
____ 5:30-6:00pm on Tuesday, March 11
____ 6:00-6:30pm on Tuesday, March 11 
____ 6:30-7:00pm on Tuesday, March 11 
____ 7:00-7:30pm on Tuesday, March 11  
____ 4:00–4:30pm on Thursday, March 13
____ 4:30-5:00pm on Thursday, March 13
____ 5:00-5:30pm on Thursday, March 13
____ 5:30-6:00pm on Thursday, March 13
____ 6:00-6:30pm on Thursday, March 13
____ 6:30-7:00pm on Thursday, March 13
____ 7:00-7:30pm on Thursday, March 13

Student: ___________________________________________________________
Attendees: _________________________________________________________
Best way to confirm the conference time (email or phone number):


MMS Science in the Media!

     Last week MMS had our first Science Fair and it was definitely a success!  Many community members, families, teachers, and judges attended to support the hard work that our students did.  Thank you to all of you for your efforts in making it possible.  In Science this week we are writing reflections and I have heard students describe a lot of valuable lessons, as young scientists and learners.

     Our exciting event was captured on video by two local media organizations: WCAX and LCATV!  Use the links below to watch the video clips.

WCAX, aired on Sunday, February 16th:

LCATV:    http://www.lcatv.org/program/mms-science-fair
Airing on:
1 Friday February 21, 2014 at 3:30 AM
2 Saturday February 22, 2014 at 3:30 AM
3 Sunday February 23, 2014 at 6:00 PM
4 Sunday February 23, 2014 at 8:15 PM
5 Monday February 24, 2014 at 12:00 AM

Friday, February 7, 2014

Science Fair Support Documents

Hello House B Families!

The MMS Science Fair is rapidly approaching!  It is this Wednesday, 2/12/14, from 5-7pm.

Students have been working very hard and need to keep pushing through to the finish line.  Some students need to be working at home in order to be able to finish in time.

I have uploaded some documents to a Google Drive account that will help support you and your child:

  1. Judging Rubric: list of criteria that judges and teachers will use to grade the final product.
  2. Science Fair Poster Checklist: each student was given this checklist to help them track their progress for everything that needs to go on their poster.
  3. Reference sheets to help students complete 4 items:
    1. Data Table
    2. Graph
    3. Data Analysis
    4. Conclusion
Link to the Google Drive folder:

I will be available after school on Monday and Tuesday from 2:30 to 4pm if students need help.  Please ask your child to tell me if s/he plans to stay after.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns (gkrembs@mtsd-vt.org).  I look forward to seeing you at the Science Fair!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

MTSD Technology Policies for the 1:1 Initiative

MTSD Technology Policies:

Last week, the Middle School distributed netbooks on an individual basis to all of its 6th-8th grade students.  Students signed the Milton Middle School Student Responsibilities for 1-1 Device Use. This agreement included an understanding and agreement to the stipulations set forth in the MTSD technology policies F100, F100P1 and F100P2.  A link to the policies are below: 
MTSD Technology Policy F100 - Student Computer and Internet Use

MTSD Technology Policy F100P1 - Student Computer and Internet Use Netbook Procedure for Students at Milton High School

MTSD Technology Policy F100P2 - Student Computer and Internet Use IPAD Procedure

Monday, February 3, 2014

Revisionist History Chapter Topic

House B Students,

Step One of your final project for our Revisionist History Unit is to choose your topic. Click on the link below to record your topic.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Friday, February 7th is the Semi-Formal

A Night Under the Stars Semi-Formal.
Friday, February 7th from 6:30pm - 9:30pm in the gym.
Shoes must be taken off for the gym.  Please wear/bring clean socks.

February 3rd to 7th is Spirit Week!!!

Monday - Sports Day
Tuesday - Alternate Ego Day
Wednesday - Twin Day
Thursday - Vermont Day
Friday - Color Day/Yearbook Picture.  6th Grade - White, 7th Grade - Yellow, 8th Grade - Blue

MMS Radio Station up and running!

The MMS radio station is up and running from 3:00pm-4:00pm, Mondays through Thursdays!  We will be using this station to broadcast live from events, send out podcasts, and more.


