Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Field Trip to Flynn Theater and ECHO

Dear Everest Families,

On Tuesday, March 28, students were sent home with information about and a permission form for a field trip to Flynn Theater and ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center. The trip will take place on Thursday, April 6 (half team) and Friday, April 7 (half team). Please help us plan a successful trip by returning the permission form by Monday, April 3.


Spring Portfolio Conferences – April 6 and 7

Visit to schedule your conference.

Dear Team Everest Families,

It is hard to believe that we are beginning the third trimester of the school year. That means it’s time for the second round of Student-Led Portfolio Conferences! We know that you discuss school and learning with your child on a regular basis. We invite you and your child to participate in this opportunity to have a more formal and structured discussion about his or her successes, challenges, and growth during this trimester.

At the student-led conference, your child will present a portfolio of artifacts and written reflections – work from each class that he or she has thoughtfully selected to demonstrate learning and growth. These conferences represent many hours of preparation, and the process helps students build lifelong skills including: organization, self-evaluation, and communication. Most importantly, the portfolio process helps your child take more ownership of his or her learning and be more accountable for his or her academic progress. Thank you for the important role you play in this!

Please visit to indicate your preferred conference time, or return the form attached to this letter. Any caring adult is welcome - parents, adult siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors. If no adult is able to attend at one of the times offered, we will gladly make arrangements for you to conference with your child at another time. Conferences will take place in the Team Everest classrooms in the middle school on the second floor.

We look forward to seeing you!

The Teachers of Team Everest

Visit to schedule your conference.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Vermont State STEM Fair – April 1

Congratulations and good luck to the Team Everest students who will represent us at the Vermont State Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Fair at Norwich University on Saturday April 1:

Colby, Daniel, Mariam, Rhys, Rose-Lee, Sami, and William!

The event is open to the public. If you're interested in supporting your classmates, and checking out projects from all over the state of Vermont, visit this website for more information.

Girls Rock Camp!

Do you love music? Check out this great summer camp opportunity for girls ages 8-18!

Girls Rock Vermont

Monday, March 20, 2017

Reading Logs Are Back!

After a Trimester 2 hiatus, reading logs are back for Trimester 3! We will have about 10 more reading logs to finish out the year.
- The expectation is that students read 30 minutes per night at home.
- This week's reading log is focused on point of view (1st, 2nd, and 3rd person) and homophones (it's and its, there, their, and they're, etc.)
- See Reading Log 14 here.
- For a Quizlet on homophones, click here.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Young Writer's Project Summer Camp Opportunities


From June 27-July 27
Pick one or all four camps

For rising 7-12 grade students
$200/week; scholarships available

Each week a different theme:

College Prep (June 27-29)
Poetry (July 11-13)
Photography (July 18-20)
Narrative (July 25-27)
  Details & sign up: