Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Flynn Field Trip!

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Your student will be participating in the following field trip on Thursday, February 15th. Look for a permission slip from your student on Thursday, 2/8.

Trip/ Event: “Jabber” Matinee
Location: Flynn Theater Main Stage, Burlington, VT
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2018
Departure Time: 8:45 AM    Return Time: 11:15 AM
Transportation will be provided by school bus
Cost of the Trip: $13    Payment due by: Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Description of Show: At Fatima’s new high school, she’s the only one wearing a hijab. It isn’t until she begins an unlikely friendship with Jorah, a young man with a troubled reputation, that she starts to feel less like an outsider. How can she balance this new relationship with her family’s faith? What is it like to be 16 years-old, a girl, a Muslim, and a refugee all at the same time? “Jabber” engages teens, teachers, and parents in meaningful discussions on the judgments and assumptions we make based on each other’s perceived differences.    Recommended for grades 8-12

Please email Ms. Rehm with any questions-

Happy Snow Day,

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Science Fair on Thur Feb 8 at 5:30

The Science and Engineering Fair will take place on Thurs, Feb 8 from 5:30-7:30 pm.

Our science teachers have shared the following info with our Milton Middle School students:

__Students are asked to remain at the Science Fair for the full two hours. This will provide ample opportunity for them to present for 3-4 Judges. Students will also use that time to observe and interact with other student projects.

__Judges will be assigned to observe Science Fair projects at certain sections of the gym and other rooms or hallways. Students will present their project according to the Judge Scorecards. Teachers will help students ensure that they receive feedback via Scorecards.

__Teachers are providing participants with a Science and Engineering Fair Bingo card. Teachers will provide breaks where students may observe other student work. Students and families will have a chance to win door prizes throughout the night.

You may view our Prospect Science Fair resources at
