Thursday, December 21, 2017

Science Fair student resources

Prospect students have been working on their Science Fair topic for at least the last three Thursdays. They have brainstormed ideas, researched topic options, written a testable question and identified ways to measure independent (X) and dependent (Y) variables for their project. Most students presented their plans in front of the class and received feedback from me and other students on how to efficiently collect data.

Students are bringing home a letter they have written that outlines their Science Fair project. Everyone should bring back a signed copy of their letter no later than Friday, January 5th. This letter will outline their plan for proving their testable question, days available for working in science class, and after-school options. All students need to find time outside of the school day to work on their topics.

Students may demonstrate their current progress by showing you their Google Drive files we have created in Science class. Students should be able to give you a tour of the following files:

__Science Fair Packet 2017
__Science Fair Time Activity spreadsheet
__Science Fair Letter Home

I look forward to reviewing their documentation and consulting on their progress. Students will use alot of class time to present evidence or data to prove independent and dependent variable relationships.

I am excited for my next year at MMS and appreciate all the efforts it takes to contribute to our school-wide Science Fair.


You may also view other useful resources
Prospect Science at
Letter from Milton Middle School Science teachers at:

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