Monday, August 28, 2017

Science Teacher Duncan Wardwell's 1st Prospect post

I am excited to publish my 1st blog post as Team Prospect.

I am so happy joining our Milton school district.  As a father of 9/7th grade boys in Mount Mansfield/Camel's Hump, I value the personal service every teacher contributes to our learning community.  As a former director of life-long programs at C.V.U. high school, I practice patience as it applies to personal learning.  As a former ski instructor in New England, New York & Colorado, I adapt learning progressions to individuals and conditions.  As a former teacher on 7/8th team in Charlotte, I am ecstatic to be learning along with such wonderful educators.  As a husband of another teacher in our county, I look forward to touring her around the wonderful resources of Milton.  

I want to learn as much from you as you learn from me.  I feel my role is to open many doors of scientific interest in our minds.  As you participate in science activities you will teach me as much about you.  I encourage everyone to help me orchestrate some synergy in our science classroom!

I expect we will have many opportunities to connect over the first few weeks of school.  I apologize if I am slow at remembering names but I will demonstrate some systems I use to help me out.  Our first goal is to figure out how we can inspire some scientific curiosity (I always remember that about you).

Mr. Wardwell
Team Prospect

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